alcohol addiction

英 [ˈælkəhɒl əˈdɪkʃn] 美 [ˈælkəhɔːl əˈdɪkʃn]

网络  酒精成瘾; 一生中因酗酒


  1. Some habits are aided by outside forces such as nicotine or alcohol addiction.
  2. She will be patron of four bodies including Action on Addiction, which works to free people from drug and alcohol addiction, and East Anglia's Children's Hospices in eastern England.
  3. How well would you sleep if you knew your hedge fund manager watching over your hard-earned money and retirement has an alcohol addiction?
  4. This major prepares students to help prevent substance abuse, counsel people with drug and alcohol problems, and provide other services to people suffering from addiction.
  5. If a government allows the advertising and widespread sales of tobacco, alcohol and processed food, surely it should also offer help in controlling or curbing excess use from addiction?
  6. There are many negative ways to deal with stress such as use drugs or alcohol, or breaking things, but these have serious consequences such as health problems, addiction, and legal problems.
  7. In addition, because of the immature state of this brain region, adolescents may be quicker to succumb to nicotine, alcohol, and drug addiction, and to do so with greater permanency.
  8. Other substances ( e.g., alcohol or drugs) in the mother's blood can also cross the placenta, with effects including congenital disorders and drug addiction in the newborn;
  9. Professor Wilhelmsen says more research is now needed to see if the findings could be used to make new treatments to tackle alcohol addiction.
  10. MS Howley also said many were now presenting with problems such as alcohol dependency and drug addiction.
  11. Excessive use of alcohol can lead to addiction, traffic accidents and potentially fatal medical problems.
  12. The addiction to alcohol is in a sense replaced by an addiction to knowledge.
  13. Liz Taylor has survived several broken marriages, as well as periods of drug and alcohol addiction.
  14. A lot of people who inherit great wealth indulge in alcohol and smoking, sometimes even drug addiction.
  15. Selective CB1-R antagonists have potential in the treatment of a number of diseases, such as obesity, alcohol dependence, nicotine addiction, cognitive disorders, and gastrointestinal disorders.
  16. Alcohol dependence ( alcohol addiction), as a psychiatric disorder, affects approximately 13% of the population at some point in life.
  17. Conclusion: The recept has a relative good function in treating alcoholic hepatitis, it also can protect the liver for the alcohol addiction.
  18. Omnipotent Substratum of Liquor& High Pure Alcohol Ethanol Addiction
  19. This paper summarized the characteristics of the alcohol addiction as well as criminal's personality characteristic and the behavior characteristic, its living thing foundation, the responsibility ability evaluation as well as the crime prevention and criminal's correct.
  20. Results: 23 cases had presented impaired impact of liver, heart or kidney function for alcohol addiction.
  21. The Alcohol Addiction and the Crime
  22. Alcohol could stimulate the Nacc to produce reward effect, and this is the positive reinforcement of alcohol addiction.
  23. There are 3 different viewpoints in the theory about relations between alcohol addiction and crime: ( 1) Drinks with the wines lead directly to crime;
  24. Background: Alcohol dependence is a state of psychological hobby and physiogenic drug addiction after a long time intake of larger alcohol.
  25. Pathogeny of multiple primary carcinoma was not clear, exogenous environmental factor was an important cancer-causing factor, such as tobacco and alcohol addiction.
  26. To Improve the initiative ability of the alcohol-dependent individual is an important aim of the research which introduce the metacognitive theory and counseling techniques into alcohol addiction behavioral intervention based on biological-psychological-social medical model.



  1. habitual intoxication

      Synonym:    alcoholisminebriationdrunkenness